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Journal Articles

* denotes a student under Dr. Craig’s supervision, underline denotes senior last authorship

Craig. S.G., *Frankiewicz, K., *Stearns, N., Lapoint-Girard, J, *Cortese, A., Vogel, N., & Pepler, D.J. (2025) What do we know about the Stop Now And Plan program? A systematic review and meta-analysis of an early invention for children and youth with conduct problems. Prevention Science.

Craig., S.G., Ames, M.E., *Tackaberry-Giddens, L., & Racine, N., (in press) From “It’s Hell Out There” to being one of the “Lucky Ones”: The Trends and Tales of the Canadian Psychology Academic Job Market in the Past 10 Year. Canadian Psychology

Ames, M., Gopalan, S. S., Sihoe, C. E., Craig, S. G., Garcia-Barrera, M., Liu, S., … & Buckler, E. J. (2024). Adolescents’ Daily Lives (ADL) project: an intensive longitudinal design study protocol examining the associations between physical literacy, movement behaviours, emotion regulation and mental health. BMJ open14(11), e094225

Craig, S.G., *Dawson, A., *Chen, S., Pepler, D.J., & Moretti, M.M. (2024) A systematic review of attachment and CU traits in children and adolescents. Attachment and Human Development

Moretti, M.M., Dys, S., Craig, S.G., Sierra Hernandez, C., Goulter, N., O’Donnell, K.A., & Pasalich, D. (2024). An attachment‐based program for parents of youth with clinically significant mental health problems: Scaling up and drilling down to mechanisms of change. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry Advances.

Diplock, B.D., Selchen S., Rawana J.S., Craig S.G., Pepler D.J. (2024). A nonrandomized trial of a five-week brief mindfulness intervention for emerging adults experiencing anxious and depressive symptoms.  Emotion and Behavior Disorders

Craig, S.G., Robillard, C. L., Ames, M.E., *Feldman, S., & Pepler, D.J. (2023). Adherence to and Motivations for Complying with Public Health Measures Among Adolescents During the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic in Canada. Psychological Reports

Craig, S.G., Ames, M.E., *Bondi, B.C, & Pepler, D.J, (2023) Canadian Adolescents’ Mental Health and Substance Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Associations with COVID-19 Stressors. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. 55 (1), 46-55.

Pierce, K., Pepler, D.J., Craig, S.G, & Jenkin, M. (2023). Considerations for Developing Robot-Assisted Crisis De-escalation Practices. Applied Sciences.

Ames, M.E., Rush, J. & Craig, S.G. (2023) Associations between physical activity, affect regulation difficulties, and mental health among Canadian adolescents at two different points of the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychology and Health.

Craig, S.G., Ames, M.E., *Bondi, B.C, & Pepler, D.J, (2022) Canadian Adolescents’ Mental Health and Substance Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Associations with COVID-19 Stressors. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science.

Goulter, N., *Balanji, S., *Davis, B.A., *James, T, *McIntyre, C.L., Smith, E., Thornton, E.M., Craig, S.G., & Moretti, M.M. (2022) Psychometric Evaluation of the Affect Regulation Checklist: Clinical and Community Samples Assessed with Parent-Reports and Youth Self-Reports. Journal of Research on Adolescence. (shared last authorship)

Ruskin, D.G., Dentakos, S., Craig, S.G., Campbell, F., Issac, L. Stinson, J, Tyrell, J., & O’Connor, K. Brown, S., (2022) Don’t judge a book by its cover:  Exploring low self-reported distress and repressive coping in a pediatric chronic pain population. Journal of Child Health Care.

Robillard, C.L., Balakrishnan, C., Craig, S.G., & Turner, B.J., (2022) A Two-Way Street? Reciprocal Associations Between Parental Warmth and Hostility with Substance Use Among Justice-Involved Adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.

Craig, S.G., Goulter, N., Andrade, B.A., & McMahon, R.J. (2021) Developmental precursors of primary and secondary callous unemotional traits in youth. Child Psychiatry and Human Development.

Craig, S.G., *Robillard, C.L., Turner, B.J., & Ames, M.E.. (2021). Examining the effects of family stress and maltreatment during COVID-19 on adolescent internalizing and externalizing symptoms: The role of affect dysregulation. Journal of Family Violence.

Turner, B.J., Robillard, C.L., Ames, M.E. & Craig, S.G (2021). Prevalence and Correlates of Suicidal Ideation and Deliberate Self-Harm in Canadian Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.

Robillard, C. L., Turner, B., Ames, M., & Craig, S.G. (2021). Deliberate Self-Harm in Adolescents During COVID-19: The Roles of Pandemic-Related Stress, Emotion Regulation Difficulties, and Social Distancing. Psychiatry Research, 304, 114152.

Craig, S.G., *Bondi, B.C., *Diplock, B.D. &, Pepler, D.J., (2021) Building Effective Research-Clinical Collaborations in Child, Youth, and Family Mental Health: A Developmental-Relational Model of Co-Creation. Journal of Therapeutic Schools and Programs, 13(1). doi:10.19157/JTSP.issue.13.01.06

Pasalich, D., Craig, S.G., Goulter, N., O’Donnell, K.A., Sierra Hernandez, C. & Moretti, M.M. (2021) Patterns and Predictors of Different Youth Responses to Attachment-Based Parent Intervention. Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 0(0), 1–14.

Goulter, N., Craig, S.G., & McMahon, R.J. (2021) Primary and secondary callous-unemotional traits in adolescence are associated with distinct maladaptive and adaptive outcomes in adulthood. Development and Psychopathology, 1-16.  

Merzon, E., Weiss, M.D., Cortese, S., Rotem, A., Schneider, T., Craig, S.G., Vinker, S., Golan Cohen, A., Ashkenazi, S., Green, I., Weizman, A., & Manor, I., (2021) The Association Between ADHD and The Severity of COVID-19 Infection. Journal of Attention Disorders.

Craig, S.G., *Bondi, B.C., O’Donnell, K.A, Pepler, D.J., & Weiss, M.D., (2020) ADHD and Exposure to Maltreatment in Children and Youth: A Systematic Review of the Past 10 Years. Current Psychiatric Reports, 22(12), 79. 

Craig, S.G., Goulter, N., & Moretti, M.M. (2020) Understanding the different pathways to Callous Unemotional Traits: A Systematic Review of Primary and Secondary Variants in Youth. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 24(1), 65–91.

Craig, S.G., Sierra Hernandez, C., Pepler, D.J & Moretti, M.M., (2021) The role of affect dysregulation in the relationship between attachment and oppositional defiant disorder symptoms. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 52(5), 818–828.

Craig, S.G., Weiss, M. D., Hudec, K. L., & Gibbons, C. (2020). The Functional Impact of Sleep Disorders in Children With ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders, 24(4), 499–508.

Andrade, B.A. Courtney, D., Henderson, J., Bennett, K., Szatmari, P. Aitken, M., Craig, S.G. (2019) A Systematic Review and Evaluation of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Children and Youth with Disruptive Behavior: Rigor of Development and Recommendations for Use. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 22(4), 527–548.

Craig, S.G., & Moretti, M.M. (2019) Profiles of Primary and Secondary Callous-Unemotional Features in Youth: The Role of Emotion Regulation. Development and Psychopathology, 31(4), 1489–1500.

Weiss, M.D., McBride, N.M., Craig, S.G., & Jensen, P. (2018). Conceptual review of measuring functional impairment: Findings from the Weiss Functional Impairment Rating Scale. Evidence-Based Mental Health, 21(4), 155-164.

Craig, S.G., Davies, G., Schibuk, L., Weiss, M. D., & Hechtman, L. (2015) Long-Term Effects of Stimulant Treatment for ADHD: What Can We Tell Our Patients? Current Developmental Disorders Reports, 2(1), 1–9.

Weiss, M. D., Craig, S.G., Davies, G., Schibuk, L., & Stein, M. (2015) New Research on the Complex Interaction of Sleep and ADHD. Current Sleep Medicine Reports, 1(2), 114–121.

Moretti, M., Osbuth, I., Craig, S.G., & Bartolo, T. (2015). An Attachment-Based Intervention for Parents of Adolescents at Risk: Mechanisms of Change. Attachment & Human Development, 17(2), 119–135.

Moretti, M. M., Bartolo, T., Craig, S.G., Slaney, K., & Odgers, C. (2014). Gender and the transmission of risk: A prospective study of adolescent girls exposed to maternal versus paternal interparental violence. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 24(1), 80–92.

Moretti, M.M., and Craig, S.G. (2013) Maternal versus paternal physical and emotional abuse, affect regulation and risk for depression from adolescence to early adulthood. Child Abuse & Neglect, 37(1), 4–13.

Rawana, J.S., Morgan, A.S., Nguyen, H., & Craig, S.G. (2010). The relation between eating- and weight-related disturbances and depression in adolescence: a review. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 13(3), 213–230.  

Chapters and Policy Reports

Craig S.G., Ames M.E., *Urusov A., & *Baudin, C. for Big Brothers Big Sisters Canada. (April, 2021). Building Bigger Connections: Wave 1 Results. Toronto, Ontario.

Respect and Culture Independent Review Committee (2019). A Time for Renewal: A Comprehensive Strategy for Bullying Prevention and Intervention. St. Michael’s College School, Toronto, Ontario

Larstone, R.M., Craig, S.G., and Moretti, M.M. (2018). An attachment perspective on the development of callous and unemotional characteristics in children and teens. In W. J. Livesley & R.M. Larstone (Eds.), Handbook of personality disorders: Theory, research and treatment (Second Ed.). New York, NY, USA: Guilford Publications.

Craig, S.G., Moretti, M.M., and Moore, K. (2013). Seclusion and restraint policy and practice in Canadian youth forensic and mental health facilities.  Ministry of Child and Family Development, British Columbia.